Mauritian cuisine: an explosion of flavours!

Maybe you already have a vague idea of what the Mauritian cuisine consists of or not? If you’re visiting the island, be prepared to taste some delicious local dishes.

A cuisine with a thousand and one spices, colourful and unique flavours … in short, the traditional cuisine of Mauritius is as diverse as the population that lives here and we could even talk about creole gastronomy! Whether it is Creole, Chinese or Indian cuisine, your taste buds will experience unique flavours. Ginger, cinnamon, caraway, turmeric, cloves, peppers and a multitude of aromatic herbs are almost always present in the pot to the delight of the greediest.

It is nevertheless important to note that beef is rarely eaten in Mauritius since 80% of the population is Hindu and the cow is a sacred animal. It is also common that pork is not included in the menu in some restaurants.

Culinary specialties

Whether in the restaurant or with a street vendor, you will never be outdone because the cuisine is an integral part of this rich culture. Thus, you will appreciate the “dholls puri” or the “faratas”, both of which are savoury snacks based on Indian crepe that are stuffed with various tasty and spicy ingredients. To keep up with this Indian inspiration, do not forget to taste the inevitable “briani”!

If you are in Mauritius during the Chinese New Year, all Asian specialties will entice you. All year round in most restaurants on the island, you can order “mine frite” (fried noodles) cooked the Mauritian way.

Regarding the typical Creole cuisine, the famous “curry” is the key word. This succulent speciality consists of a meal cooked in spicy sauce (necessarily peppered) with meat or fish. It is served with rice and grains (lentils, large peas, red beans) and is accompanied by delicious chutneys.

But above all, Mauritians are also fond of aperitifs, which are real moments of sharing! During this privileged and convivial moment, locals love “gadjacks” which are Mauritian snacks. Fish, cheese or vegetarian samosas, Gato-Piment, “moulkoos” (fried specialty) or even grilled chicken wings: the recipe for happiness!

The luxury gourmandises

The 5* hotels and other beautiful tables are numerous in Mauritius, which is also a classified luxury destination depending on what you are looking for. So, for the gastronomes, do not hesitate to go explore the most beautiful establishments on the island that will delight your palettes and taste buds with their best signature dishes. The Mauritian cuisine requires indeed, for some dishes, mastery and can be very refined.

Thus, facing the ocean, feet in the fine sand, you can savour the best roasted lobsters, fresh fish and other specialties cooked in sweet and sour sauce. A myriad of fresh fruits on the island also allows the design and creation of excellent desserts.

On the road of thirst

The richness of the Mauritian cuisine is also accompanied by the drinks that go with it. In addition, the surrounding heat will invite you to refresh more!

Thus, it is the opportunity to taste the traditional and original alouda: soft drink made of milk, sugar, agar-agar and basil seeds. It can be perfumed with strawberry, vanilla or rose.

For beer lovers, the Phoenix beer, a lager and 5% alcohol, will delight you with its unique exotic and slightly amber taste. Made since the 60s, this national drink with the slogan “Our country, our beer!” continues to win awards with its inimitable flavours. To learn more, do not hesitate to push the doors of the Phoenix brewery, located near the town of Cure-Pipe.

Finally, it would be almost indecent not to talk about rum that, tasted pure or complemented with seasonal fruits (arranged rum) is an integral part of this magnificent culinary culture and also of the agricultural potential of Mauritius thanks to sugar cane plantations.