Due to my sunny climate, I am Mauritus’ favourite tourist region and refined treasure chest, bearing unexpected attractions. I must admit, I am a bit flat, except for Nicoliere Mountain which is even adorned with a pretty artificial lake and offers great views! A two lane highway leads out of Port Louis and straight up to my glitzy capital, Grand Bay. Alongside it, you will find my many highlights like pearls on a string: Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens, the Sugar Museum, Chateau Labourdonnais and some really great beaches. Then you reach Grand Bay which, true to its name, is situated by a horseshoe-shaped bay and offers lots of leisure activities, boat excursions, restaurants, shopping and yes, we have nightlife!

Out of the bay and further north, my coast turns into an array of beaches interspersed with the occasional grassy stretch. Past Pereybere and its half-moon shaped beach, luxurious villas and hotels dominate the scenery. The white sandy each borders onto a vast lagoon and offers stunning views of the northern isles. Just around the bend, you reach Cap Malheureux with its red-roofed landmark church. Tell you a secret: this “unlucky cape” derived its name from the fact that many a ship sank on its treacherous cliffs and was not the place where the English landed. Anyways, here is the northernmost point from where the road slopes back towards the East; past the bay of Anse la Raie, swerving off inland until it joins the coast again at Poudre D’Or. Views can be glimpsed of Amber Island, this mysterious place where pirate’s treasures are said to be safely hidden up to this day.